Bergen, 16 - 17 februar, 2019
mobile pictures / Linda ;-)
DK Smedegaard`s Too-Ticki
Saturday: Ex1, NOM, BIS - Sunday: Ex1, BIV, NOM 2/2 in panel, - lost BIS on cast vote
(N) Tumay`s Oscar
Saturday: Ex1, with SUPER jugdement - Sunday: Ex1, with SUPER jugdement
I am so happy this was the last time Too-Ticki and Oscar was in the same class Both of them are so high quality NFO So next time they are at show, - they are adult, - and in different classes
SC Fodnaheia`s Patrizia, DVM
Saturday: HP, BIV-TOT, NOM + votes, BIS-SENIOR - Sunday: HP, BIV-TOT, BIS-SENIOR
SP/IC S* Sweet Scarlet`s Rosanna
Saturday: HP, NOM + votes - Sunday: HP, NOM, BIS
DK Smedegaard`s Too-Ticki - 9 month
Photo: Åse Langøen
(N) Tumay`s Oscar - 9 month
Photo: Åse Langøen
Photo: Åse Langøen
SC (N) Fodnaheia`s Patrizia, DVM - 8 years old
SP/IC S* Sweet Scarlet`s Rosanna - 5 year
(N) Tumay`s - BIS Litter (of 3)
CH S* Zygot`s Happy
CH Navarre de Lailoken *F and CH S* Zygot`s Happy
(N) Vargskogen`s Opal and (N) Alneskatten`s Absolut Pleasure
SC DK Naturell Sofie GasArm
Så skjønn jente med sin Perser bebie :-)
S* Sweet Scarlet`s Mr. Mime
GLADE DAMER :-) - Ingebjørg og Astrid
TAKKER for deilig kake!! :-)
KLARE for hjemreise :-)
Hotellet på fredagskvelden :-)