Hansakatten, Bergen,
11 - 12 november, 2017
IP/IC S* Sweet Scarlet`s Rosanna
Lør: CAGPIB, NOM, BEST IN SHOW!! with all votes
Søn: CAGPIB, NOM, BEST IN SHOW!! with all votes
SC (N) Fodnaheia`s Patrizia, DVM - 6, 5 year
Lør: HP, BIV, NOM, BEST IN SHOW!! with 3 of 4 votes
Søn: HP, NOM with 1 of 4 votes
IC S* Cederskogen`s Stina Sten
Lør: CAGCIB (of 2) , BIV
Søn: CAGCIB (of 2), + Grand International Champion
IC (N) Fodnaheia`s Dominika
(she need more coat now)
(N) Fodnaheia`s Tropical, 8 month
Lør: Ex1, NOM
Søn: Ex1 (meet yesterday`s BIS cat in the nomination...)
This was Tropical first show - And he was so clever and good :-)
more pictures of Tropical at the end of the this site :-)
SC (N) Fodnaheia`s Kazaar
BIS - Breed male both days
Glade og Fine utstillingsjenter!! :-)
Gratulerer til Hansakatten!!
Jannikke`s superflotte Lipstick!! - the one and only
Beste Øyvind
Beautiful (N) Tumay`s Najma - Harry Pepper`s daughter
Beautiful S* Utblicken`s Magic
BEST Rebekka!!!
And congratulations for BOB, - Beautiful!!
IC Bjørgvin av Oseberg (N) - Best in Show both days!!
Me and `daddy`Manu Chao are so proud of him!! :-)
At the hotel-room :-)
Edvard Grieg Hotel
Christmas dinner saturday evening :-)
Tropical again :-)